Is Non-Oil Sector the New Champion of the Nigerian Economy?
The 1970s’ oil discovery transformed Nigeria from a largely agro-economy to a more oil-dominated one. Over the last several decades,...
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2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil – A Squandered Opportunity
After 7 years of preparations, Brazil hosted the most expensive FIFA World Cup in 2014 at a cost that totaled...
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Mexico Energy Reforms – Pleases Energy Companies, Displeases Nationals
In H2 2013, we published an article on Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto’s proposed energy reforms. Eight months after constitutional...
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Luxury Brands Losing Ground in China, Looking Elsewhere
It was not very long ago, when the European luxury products market sprung back to life on the back of...
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Vietnam’s Social Health Insurance – Strong Foundation, Lacking in Support Infrastructure
Vietnam is a lower-middle income country (GNI per capita US$1,550 as of 2012) with a population of about 89 million...
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A Dragon Unfurls its Wings – How China’s Economic Slowdown Is Rippling Through Emerging Markets
Almost 10 years ago, Goldman Sachs published a report, in which it predicted Chinese GDP to overtake the USA’s GDP...
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Japan’s Quest for Renewable Energy
Japan, for many years the symbol of safe use of nuclear energy, started to revise its focus on atomic power...
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Cambodian Healthcare – In Need of Strong Government Support
Cambodia is a low income country (GNI per capita US$880 as of 2012) with a population of about 15 million...
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Evolving Business Needs to Pave Way for Retail Distribution Centers in South Africa
Traditionally, retail distribution in South Africa was largely in the hands of the manufacturers, who solely owned and operated the...
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Philippines’ Universal Healthcare – A Promising System Plagued by Inconsistent Quality of Service Delivery
Over the years, governments across emerging markets have realised how critical universal healthcare coverage is for their population. While some...
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