What’s Fueling Asia’s Drive to Develop Wholesale CBDCs?
The emergence of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) has become a central focus in the global financial space, as it...
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Prescribing Security: Diagnosing and Treating the IoT Universe in Healthcare
The integration of the Internet of Things (IoT) into the healthcare industry has significantly transformed the delivery of medical services,...
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Lessons for Africa: To-do’s from India’s Successful Vaccine Journey
India, still a developing country, has achieved tremendous success as the world's largest vaccine producer. This accomplishment leads to many...
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Why Can India’s Vaccine Success Story Be a Sure Shot Template for Africa?
Africa is currently facing significant challenges related to limited accessibility to vaccines as well as ongoing vaccine hesitancy. African CDC...
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Charting the RegTech Journey: Navigating Consolidation
RegTech, short for regulatory technology and often categorized as a subset of fintech, emerged in 2015. The RegTech industry was...
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Pet Wearables – Are Companies Barking Up the Right Technology?
As the human wearables market begins to mature, a lot of interest and developments are also happening in the pet...
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IRA: Are Patients Winning at the Cost of the US Pharma Sectoral Growth?
The market reaction to the US Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 is mostly mixed. It is expected to change the...
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The Rise and Fall of Cue Health: Market Lessons and Implications
Cue Health, the portable COVID-19 test maker, reached its zenith during the pandemic's peak, securing investments and contracts from both...
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Denmark – A Trailblazer in Digital Health Innovation
The COVID-19 pandemic has spurred the need to embrace new digital tools and technologies within the healthcare sector. There has...
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An Era of Innovation: Novel Drugs Redefining Multiple Sclerosis Treatment Paradigm
Since the approval of the first drug, interferon beta 1b (IFNβ-1b), in 1993, the treatment landscape of multiple sclerosis (MS)...
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